One of the best emulators for psx is the ePSXe, however sometimes make a good configuration is a pain in the butt. So, to avoid all config stuff and go directly to the "action" will install PCSX emulator, specifically PCSX-reloaded. PCSX emulator is an open source project created and designed originally by Linuzappz in 2000, however in 2003 this project was abandoned. After some years (in 2006) a fork was created and in this way born PCSX-reloaded project. This emulator is multi platform, so you can found versions for GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. For ubuntu, this emulator are available from the repositories and for this reason the instalation and config is really easy. To install open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install pcsxr
Once the emulator was installed, this create the UI launcher, and when you execute pcsx-reloaded emulator will show this screen:
Config pcsx is pretty easy. Just need an original PSX Bios and please not ask to me where find one because is not legal provide this content, however internet is so big, so who knows, right?. Once you have psx BIOS, just have to copy them to the folder:
After copy the BIOS in this directory, open the pcsx emulator and go to Configuration > Plugins and Bios. Once there just have to select your bios from the select box in the bottom of the window.
To make a test of your bios, in order to check if everything is ok, just go to File > Run Bios. Once you run it will show you the boot screen of the original PSX and will navigate you to the original psx main menu.
And there you go, PCSX is configurated and ready to run your "Security Copies" from your favorite psx games.
NOTE: In case you are trapped into BIOS test just remember, you can go back to main pcsx window from any emulation point if you use the ESC key from your keyboard.
Almost the most important part in any emulator is provide a way to make the controller (or gamepad) config, and pcsx is not the exception. To make the config just have to go to Configuration > Controllers. There you will find a window to do your custom controller configuration. By default all controller buttons are config to allow a gamepad. So if you have a USB gamepad this is the moment to connect them to the computer. Otherwise, you can change the button map to use the keyboard keys for example.
How run a "Security Copy"
To run a security copy of a game (Silent Hill in this case) from the main pcsx window go to File > Run ISO and navigate to the location of your "security copy". This emulator supports multiple formats for your security copies like .bin, .img, .mdf and .iso. So, you have multiple options to store the security copies of your games.
Graphic problems
For now everything goes ok. I mean, now you can run your security copies in your ubuntu however, SURPRISE! The game looks very bad. Well is time to make a graphic config.
To config the graphics just go to Configuration > Graphics and set the options like in the following image:
You can play with the options in order to have better results but for me this was the best config for now. If run again our Silent Hill security copy will have nice improvements:
below more captures: